PART VSUB-ATOMIC PARTICLE PHYSICSThe Emperor's New ClothesThe profusion of charged sub-particles is seemingly never ending. To match the sub-particles, new neutral particles are generated to account for force relationships among charges. Bosons of massive size with fleeting lifetimes, neutral current particles with ghostly characteristics that are verifiable only to a theoretical construct. Inquiry can be initiated at the very basic level of an electromagnetic wave. It is a 90 degree transverse wave with two segment carrying electropositive and electronegative components. Why two components and not one? The total non-mixing of the wave vectors have an attractive-repelling effect dependent on sign of the charge. "Not one but three intermediate bosons, along with the photon, serve as force particles in electroweak theory. They are the positively charged W+ and negatively charged W- bosons, which respectively mediate a class of weak interactions, and the Z0 particle, which mediates a class of weak interactions known as neutral current processes" [1]. [1] Quigg, C., 1985. Elementary Particles and Forces. Scientific American. April, p. 12. |